Pisces the Catamaran - Day 12

January 4, 2025

0500 Capt OhNo starts engines to keep them from freezing.

0515 Popcorn climbs in Moroccan lounge to warm up in front of the heater

0600 Popcorn sees 6 shooting stars!

0630 Capt OhNo says we need to get going because there is a shorter bridge up ahead.

0700 Anchor pulled in the freezing cold, duck hunters fire shots, Popcorn at helm

0715 Capt OhNo looks white as a sheet and says he might pass out from being so cold. Swabs monitors OhNo and then takes helm while Popcorn nurses OhNo back to health.

0730 OhNo is feeling restored. Swabs off duty. Popcorn resumes her shift at helm.

1130 Pisces reaches Atlantic Beach Bridge and crew gets nervous when the bridge height board reads > 60’. Crew turns around, believing the boat’s height is 63’5” and takes refuge at Morehead Gulf Fuel Dock behind Sugarloaf Island to wait for low tide and therefore more overhead room at bridge.

1145 - 1400 Crew explores the town. Buy gloves that are good for anchoring for OhNo. Browse the antique store. Eat pizza lunch at Jacks. Get ice cream and warm weather hat at fuel dock store.

1420 Depart fuel dock and make it under Atlantic Beach Bridge with no problem.

1630 Pisces squeezes into Spooner Creek. Popcorn does not like the look of the tiny anchorage so crew ties up to fuel dock that closed a mere 30 minutes before our arrival. Plan is to leave before anyone comes into work in the morning. :)

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