Pisces the Catamaran - Day 17

January 9, 2025

0630 Capt OhNo and Popcorn watch the sunrise with hot chai

0800 Popcorn spots brown lump on the shore. Upon investigation with binoculars, she realizes that there are wild horses on the island! Popcorn alerts the crew, rousing Swabs from her cabin. So cool!

0900 Crew settles in to catch up on “desk” work using their respective ipads and laptops and taking advantage of the strong cell signal.

1200 Crew enjoys a gluten free pot pot pie luncheon purchased the day before from Beaudega in Beaufort! So yummy!

1400 Crew sets out on the dinghy to explore Carrot Island, located just to the south of the boat and where the horses were spotted earlier in the day. Winds are still gusting to 20+ knots so it’s sold to the crew by Popcorn as “an adventure of a lifetime”.

1420 Crew lands the dinghy on Carrot Island, secures the dinghy to a signpost, locates a trailhead and starts hiking along the island

1435 Crew takes a detour on Popcorns suggestion, to get a closer look at a smaller marsh area full of birds. Swabs leads the way and the crew ends up on the beach next to the ocean!

1445 Popcorn spots horses!!!!! Maybe .5 miles further up the beach - the crew sets out, blazing their own trail across the sand dunes and beach to get a closer look.

1500 The crew is able to get within the prescribed 50’ of the 4 horses and spend about 20 minutes watching them graze

1520 The crew sets off to return to Pisces. While walking, the crew discusses names for the dinghy and settle on “Little Baby Pisces”. They spend much time bushwhacking and eventually find a real trail again that takes them back to the dinghy

1600 The crew reaches LBP (Little Baby Pisces) and heads back to the mothership

Rest of day is spent relaxing on the boat!

We boarded Pisces The Catamaran on December 24, 2024 and pointed her south in a part shakedown, part healing and grieving trip.    Notes are pulled from our handwritten, on board log book.  Crew are:

Captain Clay (captain and owner of Sail & Surf Adventures, married to Ally); call sign Captain OhNo

First Mate Ally (head chef & lead investigator of all maritime mysteries, married to Clay); call sign Popcorn

Second Mate Carly (Ally’s mom, Clay’s mother-in-law, one-woman cleaning crew of Pisces); call sign Lieutenant Swabs

Dahlia (the cutest ship cat); call sign DD

*there is a very important and traumatic and magical process of getting Pisces that we are working on sharing here.  We figured if we waited to start updating until we figured out those words though, we might never start updating at all.  Know that there was a before and an after and this trip is part of our grieving process for our brother/son/friend Jacob.*

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