Pisces the Catamaran - Day 26

January 18, 2025

0930 a regatta of 420 sailing dinghies appears nearby and a race course is set up. OhNo reflects happily on his high school days of racing the same kind of boats! Popcorn and OhNo chat with one of the young skippers as they sail past. The Pisces crew picks their favorite boats and cheers them on.

1200 Heavy rainfall starts

1230 The Pisces crew takes a nap, including DD!

1400 Crew wakes up refreshed and prepares to depart for a short trip down to Carolina Beach

1430 Pisces departs Wrightsville Beach for Carolina Beach

1500 With Popcorn at the helm, the autopilot suddenly goes haywire and veers the boat sharply off course. Popcorn immediately switches autopilot to standby and OhNo assists in getting the vessel back on course. Nerves are frazzled.

1615 Pisces anchors in yacht basin at Carolina Beach, NC with plenty of room and settled weather.

1630 Capt OhNo and Popcorn launch LBP to explore shore. They land at the free town dinghy dock. Town, at first glance, is a farty dirt patch but does have an excellent hardware store that Popcorn and OhNo spend nearly an hour exploring.

1800 OhNo and Popcorn return to Pisces where they discover Swabs has made exceptional progress on her Art Club project!

1830 Crew declares it Taco Tueday (despite it being Saturday)

We boarded Pisces The Catamaran on December 24, 2024 and pointed her south in a part shakedown, part healing and grieving trip.    Notes are pulled from our handwritten, on board log book.  Crew are:

Captain Clay (captain and owner of Sail & Surf Adventures, married to Ally); call sign Captain OhNo

First Mate Ally (head chef & lead investigator of all maritime mysteries, married to Clay); call sign Popcorn

Second Mate Carly (Ally’s mom, Clay’s mother-in-law, one-woman cleaning crew of Pisces); call sign Lieutenant Swabs

Dahlia (the cutest ship cat); call sign DD

*there is a very important and traumatic and magical process of getting Pisces that we are working on sharing here.  We figured if we waited to start updating until we figured out those words though, we might never start updating at all.  Know that there was a before and an after and this trip is part of our grieving process for our brother/son/friend Jacob.*

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