Pisces the Catamaran - Day 1!

We boarded Pisces The Catamaran on December 24, 2024 and pointed her south in a part shakedown, part healing and grieving trip.    Notes are pulled from our handwritten, on board log book.  Crew are:

Captain Clay (captain and owner of Sail & Surf Adventures, married to Ally); call sign Captain OhNo

First Mate Ally (head chef & lead investigator of all maritime mysteries, married to Clay); call sign Popcorn

Second Mate Carly (Ally’s mom, Clay’s mother-in-law, one-woman cleaning crew of Pisces); call sign Lieutenant Swabs

Dahlia (the cutest ship cat); call sign DD

*there is a very important and traumatic and magical process of getting Pisces that we are working on sharing here.  We figured if we waited to start updating until we figured out those words though, we might never start updating at all.  Know that there was a before and an after and this trip is part of our grieving process for our brother/son/friend Jacob.*

Christmas Eve December 24, 2024

1030 Blessing of the vessel by Rishi Yoga & Wellness.

1135 Sailing Catamaran (S/C) Pisces departs from home port in Wiccomico Church, Va under full power after a false start with air in fuel lines of starboard engine. Ice present on creek surface. Neighbors come out and wave us goodbye.

1308 Captain OhNo installs screecher sail on the Great Wiccomico River

1456 S/C Pisces anchors for the first time in Little Bay @ Fleets Island (Cedar’s). Anchoring system is a little tedious.

1530 Cheese, crackers and sparkling apple juice toast to successfully leaving the dock!

1620 Decorate mini tree with fish theme ornaments that remind us of Jacob

1645 Pot-pie pipping hot from the oven

1651 Stunning sunset viewed by all

1645 - 1850 Home Alone watch party

1914 Lights Out

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